Thursday 19 May 2016

Millennials tie Baby Boomers as US’ biggest voter-eligible age group

Millennials now have equal say as their Baby Boomer grandparents at the ballot box, according to new research.
There are now 69.2 million Americans between 18 and 35, which is a virtual tie with 52- to- 70-year-old Boomers, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.
Both groups are about 31 percent of voter-eligible Americans, according to the data, drawn last month.
It’s yet another generational milestone for the generation behind selfies and belfies, as they recently tied the post-World War II crowd as the nation’s largest living generation.
Gen X (36-51) and members of the Silent and Greatest generations (71 and older) were about 25 percent and 12 percent, respectively, according to Pew.
It’s not clear how this will shake out in the only important measure – votes.
And if history is any guide, Boomers may still have an upper-hand in dictating national policy.
In the 2012 presidential election, there were 69 percent of eligible Baby Boomers compared to just 46 percent of eligible millennials.


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